UniPiers From Blacktown Building Supplies
Blacktown Building Supplies now offers UniPiers as a cost effective and durable alternative option for sub-floor support. They serve in place of traditional solutions, such as brick and concrete piers or timber stumps.
UniPiers provide a smarter system of subfloor supports. Once concrete, brick, or timber supports are installed, carrying out adjustments becomes nearly impossible. The Uni-pier system works differently, enabling raising or lowering for optimal support.
The system is in two parts. The first is a head that includes a built-in ant cap, and cleats designed to secure timber or steel bearers. The second part is a durable steel tubular post welded to a base plate and anchored securely to a footer or pad.
UniPiers are made of resilient galvanised steel crafted in a a hot dip process. This provides added strength to stand up against corrosion and extremes of temperature and humidity.
How to Choose the Right UniPier Type for Your Needs
UniPiers are designed for strength, resilience, and sturdy support. Depending on specific needs, they are available in two distinct types.
Builders grade UniPiers include posts manufactured of 65x65x2 mm rectangular hollow steel. The sleeve of the head piece slides over the post. This type of UniPier can achieve a height of up to 4,000 mm.
Heavy grade UniPiers feature a 75x75x2 mm rectangular hollow steel post. For this type of Uni-pier, the head is inserted into the post. These can reach up to a height of 5000 mm.
In many cases, the grade of UniPier required depends on the likelihood of high winds in your region of the country.
The UniPier selection guide provides guidance on choosing the ideal grade for your situation.
Our team can advise on which type will fit your specific needs.
Both grades on UniPier work well in both load bearing and non-load bearing applications.
Reach out today if you have any questions about UniPiers or any of our other products.